Personal Automation Challenge

This week, I joined the ‘Personal automation challenge’ by Asian Efficiency. For this challenge, they shared a very interesting video from their new upcoming course, with some very useful tips. The first part of the video contains tips for Mac users, and from 12:48 there are tips for Windows users.

Video opens on the Asian Efficiency website in a new tab or window

After watching this video, I re-ordered my Finder’s navigation bar and added some new folders to it, I added the Split PDF quick task and I created a smart folder to find all ePub-files that I have on my Mac somewhere.

Today I also created a shortcut that opens Gmail in my browser. I already had a bookmark for it in my bookmarks bar, but then I always first had to open a new tab in my browser, and then click on the bookmark. I often forgot to create that new tab, so it loaded in the tab I was working in, which I actually didn’t want to leave at all. Each time this happened, I first had to go back to the page that I was on, then open a new tab and then click on the Gmail-bookmark. ☹️😤😫

By starting the Gmail-bookmark via a shortcut, I noticed that it automatically opens on a new tab in my Chrome browser. So that doesn’t make the process just one step shorter, but at least two steps (and the feeling of frustration about forgetting to open a new tab).

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